Linguistics 450 Selected Bibliography

Aarsleff, Hans.   The Study of Language in England: 1780-1860.   Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 1967.
[P 81 .G7 A62
Discusses the development of philological and philosophical studies of English during the language renaissance of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.  Topics include Horne Tooke, etymology, Murray and the OED, Jones, scientific approach.  Good reading.]

-----.   From Locke to Saussure: Essays on the Study of Language and Intellectual History.   Minneapolis:

University of Minnesota Press, 1982.
[P 106 .A2 1982
Discusses the relationship between the history of ideas and philosophies of language.    Topics include convention vs. nature, realism vs. nominalism, etymology, Adam's name-giving, Babylonian confusion, organic metaphor of language, relation between poetry and music.   Impeccable scholarship.]

Akmajian, Adrian et al.  An Introduction to Language and Communication. Cambridge, MA: MIT,1993.

[P 121 .A4384 1995]

 Allman, William F.    "The Mother Tongue." U.S. News & World Report.   5 Nov 1990: 60-70.
[AP 2 .U65x
Update on the search for the original language from which all other human languages are derived.]

American Anthropologist.
[GN1 .A5.
Journal that has some articles on comparative historical linguistics.]

Anttila, Raimo.  Historical and Comparative Linguistics.   New York: Macmillan,1989.
[P140 .A58 1989
An introduction to historical and comparative linguistics.]

 Arlotto, Anthony.   Introduction to Historical Linguistics.   Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1972.

[P121 .A74 1972]

Bakhtin, Mikhail M.   "Discourse in the Novel."   In Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle (Eds.), Critical Theory

Since 1965 (665-78).  Tallahassee:   Florida State University, 1986.
[PN 94 .C75 1986
Discusses polyglossic vs. monoglossic discourse. Condemns poetry and philology in favor of the novel with its carnival of language voices.]

Baldi, Phillip.   An Introduction to the Indo-European Languages.   Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois

University, 1983.
[P561 .B3 1983]

Baldi, Phillip & Ronald N. Worth.   Readings in Historical Phonology: Chapters in the Theory of Sound

Change.  University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University, 1978.

Barney, Stephen A. Word-hoard: An Introduction to Old English Vocabulary.   New Haven: Yale, 1980.

[PE274 .B3]

Baugh, Albert C. and Thomas Cable.   A History of the English Language, 4th ed.   Englewood Cliffs, New

Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1993.
[PE 1075 .B3 1993
Good overview of the history of English.   Detailed examples.   Ponderous and tedious in tone but interesting in content.]

Becker, Alton L.   "On Emerson On Language."   In.   Deborah Tannen (Ed.),  Analyzing Discourse: Text

and Talk (1-11). Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1982. 1-11.    [Also in Beyond
translation: essays towards a modern philology P 306.2 .B4 1995/  Discusses philology as a bridge
between cultures.  Written as a mediation, a variation on Emerson's quote that all scripture should be
interpreted in the spirit with which it was written.]

-----.  "Biography of a Sentence: A Burmese Proverb."  In Edward M. Bruner (Ed.),Text, Play, and Story

(135-55).  Washington D.C.: American Ethnological Society, 1984.
[GN302 .T49
Beautifully written article describing philology as a rhetorically-based linguistics. Stresses the need for sensitivity to the language and culture of others as we approach our linguistic research.

-----(Ed.)  Writing on the Tougue.  University of Michigan, 1989.

[Introduction continues definition of philology as building a bridge between texts that are distant in
time or space.]

Bede. (Trans. by Leo Sherley-Price). A History of the English Church and People. New York: Penguin

Books, 1985.
[BR 746 .B5x 1985]

Benveniste, Emile, (Trans. by Elizabeth Palmer).  Indo-European Language and Society.   London: Faber

and Faber, 1973.

Benvenuto, Richard.  "Words Within Words:  Dickinson's Use of the Dictionary."  ESQ 29 (1983): 46-55.
[PS 1629 .E6
Demonstrates that Emily Dickinson used lexical, linguistic, etymological, and semantic material from entries in Webster's 1844 dictionary to enhance her poetic composition.]

Bloomfield, Leonard.   Language.  New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1961 (1961).
[P 121 .B5 1993
The classic work on comparative historical linguistics. Chapters on borrowing, language change, etc.]

Boeckh, August, (Trans. and Ed. John Paul Pritchard).  On Interpretation and Criticism. University of

Oklahoma Press, 1968.
[P 33 .B63 1968
Discusses philology in terms of inscription. Philology is the study of the known, that which has been recorded, tradition.]

Bomhard, Allen R. Toward Proto-Nostratic: a new approach to the comparison of Proto-Indo-European

and Proto-Afroasiatic.  Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1984.
[P572 .B26
Compares IE and Afro-Asiastic reconstructed roots.]

Boswell, James.  Life of Johnson.   London: Oxford University, 1957.

[PR 3553 .B6 1957]

Bradley, S. A. J.  Anglo-Saxon Poetry: An Anthology of Old English Poems in Prose Translation.

London: Everyman's Library, 1982.
[PR 1508 .B72x]

Bryson, Bill.   Made in America.  London: Secker & Warburg, 1994.

[PE 2809 .B79 1994b]

Burnley, David. The History of the English Language: A Source Book.  New York: Longman, 2000.

[PE 1075.5 .B87 2000]

Bynon, Theodora.  Historical Linguistics.  Cambridge: Cambridge, 1997.

[P140 .B95]

Campbell, Alan.  Old English Grammar.  Oxford: Clarendon, 1959.

[PE 131 .C3]

Campbell, Lyle & Marianne Mithun (Eds.) The Languages of Native America: Historical and

Comparative Assessment. Austin: University of Texas, 1979.
[PM 108 .L35]

Cardona, George (Ed.)  Indo-European and Indo-Europeans: Papers.  Philadelphia: University of

Pennsylvania, 1966.
[P 505 .I5 1966]

Clark, Virginia. P., Paul A.Eshholz,and Alfred F. Rosa (Eds.)  Language: Introductory readings.  New

York: St. Martin's Press, 1994.
[P 49 .L23 1994]

Collinge, N. E.  The Laws of Indo-European.  Philadelphia; J. Benjamins, 1985.

[PS77.C64 1985.

Crystal, David.   "How many languages?"  InCambridge Encyclopedia of Language (284-359).   New

York:Cambridge University, 1987.
[P 29 .C64]

Dickie, Margaret.  "The Cantos: Slow Reading."  ELH 51:4 (1984): 819-35.
[PR 1 .E5
Quotes Jakobsen quoting Nitschze, saying that philology is the art of reading slowly. Shows the linguistic and aesthetic features of a complex text.

Diebold, A. Richard, "Lecture Notes," University of Arizona, 1985.

Donnelly, Colleen.  Linguistics for Writers.  Albany, New York: State Unviersity of New York, 1994.

[P 123 .D65 1994]

Elcock, W. D.  The Romance Languages.  London: Faber & Faber, 1975.

[PC 43 .E55 1975]

Ferry, Anne.  The Art of Naming.  Chicago: University of Chicago, 1988.

[PR 2358 .F47 1988.

Fisiak, Jacek, (Ed.)  Historical linguistics and philology. NY: Mouton, 1990.

[P 140 .H58 1990]

-----.  Historical Morphology.  NY: Mouton, 1980.

[P 241 .H57]

Gamkrelidze, Thomas V. and V. V. Ivanov.   "The Early History of Indo-European Langauges."  Scientific

American (March 1990): 110-116.
[Q 1 .S5X]

Gaur, Albertine.  A History of Writing.   New York: Cross River, 1992.

[P211 .G28]

Geertz, Clifford.  "Blurred Genres: The Refiguration of Social Thought."  In Hazard Adams and Leroy

Searle (Eds.), Critical Theory Since 1965. (513-23).  Tallahassee: Florida State University, 1986.
[PN 94 .C75 1986
Cites Becker's "New Philology" as one of three metaphors which can be borrowed from other fields and applied to the social sciences. Philology to be restored as the study of contextual and multi-cultural relations.]

Gelb, Ignace J.   A Study of Writing.   Chicago: University of Chicago, 1963.

[P211 .G37]

Goyvaerts, D. L.  Present-day Historical and Comparative Linguistics.  Ghent: E. Story-Scientia, 1975.

[P 140 .G6]

Griffen, Toby D.  "Nostratic and Germano-European."  General Linguistics 29 (1989): p.139-149.

[P 1 .G4]

Gura, Philip.  The Wisdom of Words: Language, Theology, and Literature in the New England

Renaissance.  Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press, 1981.
[PS368 .G87
Discusses the relationship between religion and philosophy of language in early New England. Topics include etymology, Kraitsir, circumference, Romanticism. Wonderful to read.]

Harris, Roy.   The Origin of Writing.   London: Duckworth, 1986.

[P211 .H35x]

Havelock, Eric A.  Origins of Western Literacy.   Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1976.

[P211 .H38]

Hoenigswald, Henry M.  Language Change and Linguistic Reconstruction.  Chicago: University of

Chicago, 1960.
[P 123 .H55]

Horne, Kibbey M.  Language Typology: 19th and 20th Century Views.  Washington, D. C.: Georgetown

University, 1966.
[P 203 .H6]

International Journal of American Linguistics.

[PM101 .I5]

Jakobson, Roman. "Two Aspects of Language and Two Types of Aphasic Disturbances."   Selected

Writings II: Word and Language (239-259).  The Hague; Paris: Mouton, 1971.
[P 217.J3 vol. 2]

Jeffers, Robert J. and I. Lehiste.  Principles and Methods for Historical Linguistics.  Cambridge, MA: MIT.

[1979. P140 .J4]

Johnson, Samuel.  A Dictionary of the English Language.  London: W. Strahan, 1755.

[423 J63d 1755 Special Collections / or try the 1766 version: PE 1628 .J6 1766 / the dictionary is
also listed in the HBLL on microfiche: 080 Sh64a no. 31834

Fascinating and funny introduction.  Johnson says his project is the dream of a poet doomed to wake
a lexicographer.  Admits that language always changes in spite of his desire to fix and regularize
the English language.]

Kass, Amy A. and Leon R. Kass.  "What's Your Name?"  First Things. 57 (1995): 14-25.

[LAW K6 .I77]

Keiler, Allan R.  A Reader in Historical and Comparative Linguistics.  New York: Holt, Rinehart &

Winston, 1972.
[P 25 .K4]

Kent, George W.  "Why Teach`Philology'?"  ETC: A Review of General Semantics 32 (1975): 155-64.
[P 1 .E85x
Shows the value of practical historical language studies and word histories in education.

Kerns, J.A. and Benjamin Schwartz.  A Sketch of the Indo-European Finite Verb.  Leiden, Netherlands:

J.E. Brill, 1972.
[P 625 .K4]

King, R. D.  Historical Linguistics and Generative Grammar.  Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1969.

[P 121 .K5]

Koerner, E.F.K. and R.E. Asher, (Eds.)  Concise History of the Language Sciences: From the

Sumerians to the Cognitivists.  New York: Pergamon, 1995.
[P 121 .C585 1995]

Kraitsir, Charles.  Glossology: Being a Treatise on the Nature of Language and the Language of

Nature.  New York: George P. Putnam, 1852.

Laird, Carlton.  "Etymology, Anglo-Saxon, and Noah Webster." American Speech. 21 (1946): 3-15.

[PE 2801 .A6]

Lane, Harlan L.(et al).  A Journey into the Deaf-World.   Dawnsign Press: Sandiego, 1996.

HV 2380 .L27 1996]

Language:  Journal of the Linguistic Society of America.

[P1 .L3]

Lass, Roger.  Approaches to English Historical Linguistics: An Anthology.  New York: Holt, Rinehart &

Winston, 1969.

-----.  On Explaining Language Change.  New York: Cambridge University, 1980.

[P 142 .L3]

Latham, Robert Gordon.  A Dictionary of the English Language.  London, 1882.

Lehmann, Winfred P.  Workbook for historical linguistics.  Dallas, TX: Summer Institute of Linguistics,

[P25 .S96 no.71]

-----.  A Reader in Nineteenth-Century Historical Indo-European Linguistics.  Bloomington, Indiana

University, 1967.
[P 511 .L4]

-----.  Theoretical Bases of Indo-European Linguistics.  New York: Routledge, 1993.

[P 561 .L44 1993]

Lightfoot, D. W.  Principles of Diachronic Syntax.  New York: Cambridge University, 1979.

[P291 .L48]

Lyons, John.  Language and Linguistics: An Introduction.  Cambridge: New York: Cambridge University,

[P121 .L9]

Malkiel, Yakov.  Etymological Dictionaries: A Tentative Typology.  Chicago: University of Chicago, 1976.

[P 321 .M33]

Manczak, Witold.  "Laws of Analogy."  Recent Developments in Historical Morphology.  Mouton: The

Hague, 1980.

McKusick, James C.  Coleridge's Philosophy of Language.  New Haven: Yale University, 1986.

[PR 4487.L33 M35 1986]

McMahon, April M. S.  Understanding Language Change.   New York: Cambridge University, 1994.

[P 142 .M38 1994]

Meier-Brugger, Michael, Matthias Fritz, and Manfred Mayrhofer.  Indogermanische

Sprachwissenschaft.  Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2000.
[P 561 .M46x 2000]

Meillet, A.  (Trans. Gordon B. Ford).  The Comparative Method in Historical Linguistics.  Paris: Librairie

Honore Champion, 1967.
[P 561 .M5813]

Millward, Celia M.  A Biography of English Language.   New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, 1989.

[PE 1075 .M64 1989]

Murray, Katharine M. E.  Caught in the Web of Words: James Murray and the Oxford English

Dictionary.  New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977.
[PE 64 .M8 M78]

The Oxford English Dictionary.

[5th floor Hum-ref. or online /The greatest linguistic monument ever
compiled.   Contains a biography and family history for each word in the English language.   
Composed by volunteers and scholars over many years of labor and sacrifice, without computers.]

Parker, Phillip M.  Linguisitic Cultures of the World.  Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1997.
[P 35 .P29
Over 130,000 statistics are provided for over 460 language groups covering a number of social, economic, and buisness variables.]

Pedersen, Holger.  (Trans. by John W. Spargo).  The Discovery of Language: Linguistic Science in the

Nineteenth Century.  Bloomington, Indiana University, 1962.

Pei, Mario.  The Story of Latin and the Romance Languages.  New York: Harper & Row, 1976.

[PC 45 .P4 1976]

Pierson, Herbert D.  "Using Etymology in the Classroom."  English Language Teaching Journal

43 (1989): 57-63.
[PE 1128 .A2 E5]

Plato, (Trans. Benjamin Jowett).  "Cratylus: Dialogue on Etymology."  In Hamilton, Edith and Huntington

Cairns (Eds.)  The Collected Dialogues of Plato (421-70).  New York: Pantheon Books, 1961.

Posner, Rebecca.  The Romance Languages: A Linguistic Introduction.  Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor

Books, 1966.
[PC 43 .P6]

Pyles, Thomas and John Algeo.  The Origins and Development of the English Language.  New York:

Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1993.
[PE 1075 P9 1993]

Read, Allen Walker.  "The Spread of Germanic Linguistic Learning in New England During the Lifetime of

Noah Webster."  American Speech 41 (1967): 163-81. [PE 2801 .A6]

Robins, R. H.  A Short History of Linguistics.  New York: Longman, 1997.

[P 61 .R6 1997]

Rossner, Richard.  "The Learner as Lexicographer: Using Dictionaries in Second Language Learning."  In

Ilson, Robert (Ed.)  Dictionaries, Lexicography and Language Learning (95-102).  Oxford:
Pergamon, 1985.
[P327 .D54 1985]

Ruhlen, Merritt.  A Guide to the World's Languages.   Stanford:Stanford University, 1987.

[P 203 .R8 1987]

Samuels, Michael L.  Linguistic Evolution.  Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1972.

[P 123 .S26]

Sanders, Barry.  A is for Ox: Violence, Electronic Media, and the Silencing of the Written Word.  New

York: Pantheon Books, 1994.
[P 95 .S26 1994]

Sapir, Edward.  Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech.  New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1949.

[P 105 .S241 1949]

Schousboe, Karen and Mogens Trolle Larsen, (Eds.)  Literacy and Society.  Copenhagen: Akademisk

Forlag, 1989.
[P 211 .l58x 1989]

Silverman, Daniel.  "Tone Sandhi in Comaltepec Chinantec."   Language73 (1997):473-492.

[P 1 .L3]

Skeel, E. F.  A Bibliography of the Writings of Noah Webster.  New York: New York Public Library, 1958.

[PE 64 .W5 X83 1958]

Smith, Neil V.  The Twitter Machine: Reflections on Language.  Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989.

[P 121 .S577 1989]

Steele, Susan.  Word Order Variation: A Typological Study.

Stubbs, Michael.  "German loanwords and cultural stereotypes."  English Today 14(1998): 19-26.

[PE 1001 .E645]

Sturtevant, Edgar H.  Linguistic Change: An Introduction to the Historical Study of Language.  Chicago:

University of Chicago, 1917.
[P 121 .S82]

Trench, Richard Chenevix.  On the Study of Words.  New York: Redfield, 1859.

[PE 1574 .T8 1859]

Ullmann, Stephen.  "Lexicography: Its Principles and Methods."Semiotica: Journal of the International

Association for Semiotic Studies8 (1973): 276-86.
[P99 .S461x]

Wang, William S-Y.  The Emergence of Language Development and Evolution.  New York: W. H.

Freeman, 1991.

Watkins, Calvin (Ed.)  The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots.  Boston; Houghton

Mifflin, 1985.
[P615 .A43 1985 /online version also:

Webster, Noah.  An American Dictionary of the English Language (1828).  San Francisco: Foundation

for American Christian Education, 1980.
[PE 1625 .W3 1980 / Special Collections: 423 W39a 1829]

Wright, Robert.  "Quest for the Mother Tongue."  The Atlantic Monthly(1991): 39-68.

[AP 2 .A8]

Internet Resources  The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language.  Mythology and folklore.  Sound Symbolism, Phonosemantics, Phonetic Symbolism,

Minologics, Iconism, Cratylus, Ideophones, Synaesthesia, The Alphabet, The Word.  Deseret Book.  Online Oxford English Dictionary (accessible by subscription from campus).  Old English.  International Names.  KBYU radio and tv.  General Conference, etc.  General Conference, etc.  Documenting internet sources.  Over 400 online dictionaries.  Verb grammar, conjugation and inflection in several language..

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1998-1999 © Dr. Cynthia L. Hallen
Department of Linguistics
Brigham Young University
Last Updated: Friday, February 4, 2000