Acronyms and abbreviations form a dialect that distinguishes the "ins" from the "outs" in many groups.

Where do you stand in the world of TESOL? In? Out? On the fringe? Find out by taking this "quiz"!




    Look at each acronym or abbreviation below. Some are specialized TESOL acronyms, others are from the world of education, and some are even more general.

    See if you can say the words that the acronym stands for. Then try to explain the meaning behind the words.

    For example:


    Words: "Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus"

    Meaning: "Equipment and procedures for swimming underwater for extended periods of time."

    If you want to test yourself more rigorously, try writing out the words and meanings on a sheet of paper.

    After you have made your guesses, click on each acronym to see what it stands for in the world of education and TESOL.

    Once you have gone through the entire list, check your responses (if you have not already done so) by clicking on the acronyms that you are not sure of or by simply scrolling through the following section.

    After you have mastered these acronyms you will have a good start on being a true "insider" in the world of TESOL. But remember that it is only a start. You will need to learn many more acronyms and terms (and their meanings) before you have truly mastered the "inside language" of TESOL.

  1. GPA
  2. BA
  3. PTA
  4. IQ
  5. GRE
  6. NAACP
  7. VESL
  8. SPSS
  9. CEEB
  10. ETS
  11. ACT
  12. CALI
  13. CALICO
  14. CBTE
  15. ERIC
  16. TOEFL
  17. TENES
  18. TESL
  19. TEFL
  20. TESOL
  21. NAFSA
  22. NABE
  23. SESD
  24. L1
  25. CAL
  26. ALM
  27. MTELP
  28. ESP
  29. I-TESOL
  30. LEP
  31. Bonus: SPEBSQSA

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    1998 © Dr. Lynn E. Henrichsen
    Department of Linguistics
    Brigham Young University
    Last Updated: Saturday, January 24, 1998