Brown: Study Questions and Answers

Brown: Chapter 9 Questions

  1. What are the five synonyms of technique and what do they mean exactly?
  2. What are the differences between controlled and free techniques?
  3. How important is textbook selection for ESL teachers?
  4. Is it good to spend a class hour drilling? Why?
  5. What are the two major categories of design and implementation of techniques in the classroom?
  6. What does the superordinate term 'technique' refer to?
  7. What is the difference in categories of techniques contrasting manipulation to communication with controlled to free techniques?
  8. How does the manipulation-communication scale impact teaching at the beginning level?
  9. What is a drill?
  10. What is a "quasi-communicative practice/drill"?
  11. Describe the difference between mechanical, meaningful and communicative drills. What is the value of each?
  12. What is a task?
  13. What is the role of materials in the classroom?
  14. What is realia?
  15. What kind of supporting material can you use/find for your classes?
  16. Why is it important to adapt teaching materials to each individual class?
  17. What is the difference between text and a textbook?
  18. Identify 3 activities or techniques that would fall along the continuum of manipulative to communicative techniques.
  19. Should we (as teachers) assume that manipulative / communicative continuum corresponds to the beginning / advanced proficiency continuum?
  20. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the technique "Dialogue / narrative recitation"?

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1998 © Dr. Lynn E. Henrichsen
Department of Linguistics
Brigham Young University
Last Updated: Saturday, January 24, 1998