- STATISTICAL ANALYSIS CRITIQUE/ORAL REPORT: (Given on an assigned date to coincide with the class discussion)
The statistical analysis critique provides you with an opportunity to critically evaluate the statistical analysis(es) of a published article in a major journal in applied linguistics, language teaching, or a related field. This critique allows you to demonstrate that you can follow the statistical analysis in the paper and that you agree/disagree with the procedure(s) applied by the researcher(s) in answering the research question(s). The critique should be 7-10 typewritten, double-spaced pages.
Select a meaningful article that relates to your thesis project (probably one that you have already reviewed in your draft of chapter 2). Try to select one that includes at least one inferential statistic. Criteria to consider when critiquing research are found in Brown, chapter 5:
- Has the author correctly summarized the article in an abstract?
- Is the framework for the study clear?
- Is the research question well defined and significant?
- Is the review of the literature concise and pertinent?
- Are the design and procedures appropriate for the question(s)?
- Is the analysis appropriate for the question(s)?
- Is the study replicable?
- Are the results reported and interpreted appropriately?
- Is the study valid and reliable?
- What alternatives could be considered for this research?
- What are the pros and cons of the alternatives?
- Was proper format used in writing the paper? (NOTE: not all journals use APA format. We can assume that the editors of the journal have covered this item adequately, but sometimes there are problems.)
- Were the researcher's choices appropriate?
I am not suggesting that your article critique be organized following the above criteria, but that you gather this information in preparation for writing your critique. I expect that the critique will be approximately 5-7 pages of summary and 2-3 pages of your reaction/evaluation of the study.
The oral report should be professionally presented. You have between 12-15 minutes to give your summary. The oral report should focus directly on the data analysis procedure related to what we have been addressing in our class discussions.
The oral reports will be given throughout the term to coincide with our class discussions. I will work with you in determining the date of your presentation. The written summary is due on the day of the oral presentation.
See the Separate Statistical Analysis Critique and Oral Report Grading Criteria form used for evaluating this project. You can access the form from the class web page.
- ORAL PRESENTATION OF THESIS RESEARCH RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION: (presented Wednesday, December 1 or Monday through Wednesday December 10)
This assignment provides an opportunity for you to orally present the research design for your thesis. You will have 18-20 minutes to present. Allow for 5-7 minutes to respond to questions and solicit input and reaction from your peers.
Submit chapters 4 and 5 and a revised timeline for completing your thesis.
See the separate Thesis Data Analysis, Discussion, and Timeline Grading Criteria form used for evaluating this project. You can access the form from the class web page.
- MINITAB PROBLEMS: (Due with statistical procedures discussed in class)
MINITAB is a computer program for statistical analysis. For several of the statistical concepts you will analyze a set of data using MINITAB. You will print the results and write a brief interpretation.
- VIRTUAL CLASS SESSIONS: (Occur on November 10, 12, 17, and 19)
On these dates we will not meet physically in class, but you will read and respond on-line. You will receive a reading assignment and task during class on Wednesday, November 5. You must respond on-line by a specified deadline. After the deadline has passed you are asked to return to the class page and read the responses of your classmates and then make another response.
See the separate Virtual Class Discussion Grading Criteria form used for evaluating this assignment. You can access the form from the class web page.
- MID-TERM EXAM: (Given Wednesday, October 20; Due Monday, October 25)
The exam will cover material discussed and presented during the first 8 weeks of the term. The exam will be a take home test and is to be returned on Monday, October 25.
- FINAL EXAM: (due Wednesday, December 15 by 5:00 p.m.)
The final exam is comprehensive. It will be a take-home exam. There will be a few MINITAB problems that will be included on the exam. You will be given a brief description of a research question and some mock data. You will determine which statistical procedure(s) to use, run the data and provide an interpretation of your findings.