
Score:      / 100

Evaluation Criteria

  1. Includes an entry for each observation/mentoring/teaching opportunity.
  2. Includes a statement of the objectives for the class being observed/taught.
  3. Includes a description of how the skill was presented and the nature and sequencing of the practice activities. Describe how the practice activities lead to accomplishing the objective(s).
  4. Indicates correction strategies used.
  5. Includes insights into plan for improvements that could be made in what occurred during the class period.
  6. For the teaching entries, includes a self-reflection indicating what changes would be made if you could teach the lesson again.
  7. Typewritten or neatly hand-written.
  8. Cooperating Teacher Feedback form received.


  • 93-100 points Exceptionally well written observation/mentoring/teaching journal. Strong organization of materials. Meets all the above criteria.

  • 82-92 points Very good observation/mentoring/teaching journal. Lacking in a few of the above areas.

  • 72-81 points Adequately prepared observation/mentoring/teaching journal. Needs more development. Deficient in several of the above areas.

  • 0-71 points Less than satisfactory observation/mentoring/teaching journal. Deficient in most of the above areas.

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