Establishing the Viability of the Multidimensional Quality Metrics Framework

The Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM) framework is a new system for creating customized translation quality assessment and evaluation metrics designed to fit specific translation needs. In this study I test the viability of MQM to determine whether the framework in its current state is ready for implementation as a quality assessment framework in the translation industry. Other contributions from this study include: (1) online software for designing and using metrics based on the MQM framework; (2) a survey of the typical, real-world quality assessment and evaluation practices of language service providers in the translation industry; and (3) a measurement scale for determining the viability of translation quality assessment and evaluation frameworks such as MQM. The study demonstrates that the MQM framework is a viable solution when it comes to the validity and practicality of creating translation quality metrics for the translation industry. It is not clear whether those metrics can be used reliably without extensive training of qualified assessors on the use of MQM metrics.

Thesis Author: Snow, Tyler A

Year Completed: 2015

Thesis Chair: Melby, Alan K

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