Adaptation Example 11



A vexations mishap has just befallen a lady, who lives at Kensington Gore. This lady returned home one evening lately about ten o'clock.

She reached the door of her flat holding in her hands her reticle, her gloves, and her umbrella.

Wishing to have her hands free, there occured to her the unlucky idea of hanging her reticule upon the door-handle.

She opened the door, withdrew the latch-key from the keyhole, and entered the flat, forgetting the reticle!

Now the reticule contained the following articles: a purse with 8 int it; a bracelet; a watch and chain -- all a of gold, a bonbonniere in old silver; and a sumptuous card-case in Russian lether, stamped with her initials in gold.

The next day she wanted to settle a small account.

She looked in vain for her purse; rummaged in all her pocket and in all her drawers; asked herself in vain, "What have I done with my purse?" and at last recalled her slip of memory.

Much disturbed, she ran to the door: but the reticle had disappeared.

Who was the thief?P VOCABULARIO

Slip -- faltas, esquecimento
vexatious -- aflitivo/a
To befall -- suceder
Reticle -- rede (pequena)
To hang -- dependurar
Latch -- fecho
Key-hole -- buraco de fechadura
Purse -- bolsa
Chain -- corrente
To ask a lady's -- pedir em casamento
To halves -- bepartir
Water can -- regador
To slip one's memory -- esquecer
Mishap -- infortunio
To hold -- segurar
Unlucky idea -- ideia infeliz
Door-handle -- macaneta da porta
Withdrew -- retirar eight pounds -- oito libras (dinheiro)
At hand -- a mau
To win a lady's -- obter o consentimento

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1998 © Dr. Lynn E. Henrichsen
Department of Linguistics
Brigham Young University
Last Updated: Monday, November 24, 1997