Brown: Study Questions and Answers

Brown: Chapter 10 Questions

  1. What is interaction?
  2. Why is interaction profitable in the language learning classroom?
  3. What types of teacher questions may discourage interactive learning?
  4. Describe FLINT. What is it? What are some elements?
  5. What are the interactive principles?
  6. What is the focus of automaticity?
  7. Discuss the five different roles a teacher may assume in an interactive classroom?
  8. Which teacher role is the most important for an interactive classroom? Explain.
  9. How does a teacher facilitate learning?
  10. What are the most important teaching behaviors to create an interactive classroom?
  11. Describe how questioning strategies can benefit student interaction in the classroom.
  12. How can FLINT model help teachers in developing interactive language teaching?
  13. Why is it important for teachers to develop proper and effective questioning strategies? (What functions do questioning strategies fulfill?)
  14. How do you get a very quiet class to talk? What if they weren't interact?
  15. How can intrinsic motivation to learn a language be fostered in the classroom?

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1998 © Dr. Lynn E. Henrichsen
Department of Linguistics
Brigham Young University
Last Updated: Saturday, January 24, 1998