Grammar Lesson Plan

Ordinal Numbers

Background Information:

Class Taught: Grammar Level 2
Time duration: 65 minutes
The students are beginning level grammar students from varied cultural backgrounds studying at the ELC at BYU. They have been learning prepositions of time and place, wh-questions, who and whose. My lesson is the end of this unit, and will help the students better be able to answer or ask wh- questions that would involve dates or streets.


  1. Homemade 'tickets' for Homecoming events
  2. Small signs with 1-15 (or how ever many students you have in the class) cardinal numbers on each
  3. Handouts (one for each student) of a simplified map with streets in Provo and buildings and houses drawn on certain streets (i.e., the ELC at 800 N. and University).
  4. List of five different 'coming soon' Fine Art events
  5. A watch to keep track of time

Terminal Objectives:



(15 min.) (Warm-up and review of wh- questions and prepositions of time)
I will explain to students that BYU’s Homecoming Week is this week.
I will explain what Homecoming is and why we celebrate it at BYU.
I will explain some of the Homecoming activities that will be going on on-campus this week, such as the Homecoming breakfast, parade, and dances.
I will explain to students that we will be reviewing the prepositions of time and the wh- questions that we studied yesterday.

To review prepositions of time and wh- questions, I will pass out the homemade Homecoming tickets to each student.
I will explain that there are two people in the room with tickets for the same event, so each student has to find out who his/her partner is for their specific event. I will tell them that it is not fair to show their partner their card.
They have to find out the information only by asking questions of when the event is, at what time the event is, and where the event is. After demonstrating the process with a student of asking what day, what time, and where my partner’s event is to see if it matches mine, and after allowing for any questions or clarification, I will let them get up and move around in fluid pairs. When everyone is done, I will ask each pair where they are going, so they have to use the correct prepositions of time and place.

Introduction in context:

(1 min.) Since they were initially exposed to dates in the previous exercise, they context has been set up for Homecoming events. I will repeat again the dates of the Homecoming Events for this weekend, using the correct ordinals.


(5 min.)
I will tell students that today we will be learning ordinal numbers.
I will then write them on the board, both spelled out (ninth) and shortened (9th). I will explain that first, second, and third have unusual endings, and write them on the board, saying them orally. I will explain where the first floor is in the United States, as it is in other countries often considered what we would call the second floor.
I will also explain that streets that are written as cardinal hundreds are often said as ordinals, such as 1300 South being called 13th South.

Focused Practice:

(5 min.)
(Enabling Objective: Allow students practice in saying ordinals correctly, and help them to understand that streets sometimes use cardinal numbers in the written form, but ordinal numbers in the spoken form.

Map Activity: Demonstrate that 800 North is often said 8th North. Pass out maps and then ask each student to tell me where a certain house or building is located. Tell students to use ordinals where they can. Check for pronunciation and comprehension of the concept by listening to pairs throughout the activity.

Communicative activity:(5 min.)
(Enabling Objective: Allow students to practice using and asking for ordinals in a controlled context and prepare them for the next activity)

Variation Map Activity:Have students choose a partner.
Have a students ask his or her partner the streets of three different places from the map. Have the students use the correct ordinals. Then, have them switch roles.

Focused Practice:

(15 min.)
(Enabling Objective: Allow students to see ordinals used to number a list, to comprehend spoken ordinals, to process those, and to produce ordinals within a time limit)

Numbered Chairs: Pass out numbered signs.
As I hand out the sign with the cardinal number on it, the class will chorally say the ordinal that goes with that number. The numbers will go in order, so the students will see how to ordinally number a list. I will then explain that the first person (sign 1) calls out an ordinal. Whoever has that number in turn calls out a different ordinal. If you are too slow, or if you say a number when your number hasn’t been called, or if you say a number wrong, then you go to the last place in the line. The goal is to get to the front of the line.

Communicative activity:
(10 min.)
(Enabling Objective: Allow students the opportunity to use and understand spoken ordinals in regards to dates).

Partner activity:
(5 min.)
Have students get a partner and discuss the dates of holidays in their native countries. I will demonstrate with a student, and then allow the partners to communicate. Each student will ask his partner to tell him of four major holidays celebrated in his/her country, and the dates those holidays are celebrated. They can also tell each other other important dates, such as their birthdays or anniversaries.
Ask pairs to share the dates of a few of the events that their partners told them about.


Throughout activities, walk around classroom, or participate, to hear whether or not students understand.


Have the students call 378-4322 and press 1 to listen to the list of current BYU Fine Arts events. Have them listen for the dates of 5 specific attractions that will be going on in the next month, and have them list the dates. They should come to class tomorrow prepared to give the dates of these events: Jazz Combo Night, Octubafest, Early Music Ensemble, BYU Singers, and Silent Film Night. (These events, of course, need to be modified depending on the date of the class held and current events).