LING 577, Introduction to ESL Methodology

Journal Article Report Grading Criteria


Instructor Score:     / 50

Evaluation Criteria

  1. Includes a self-reflection of the assignment.
  2. Includes a well-written summary of the article and a reaction to it.
  3. Is neatly typed.*
  4. Carefully edited for grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors.*
  5. Follows APA format throughout the paper where appropriate.*
  6. Length is appropriate (1 page maximum). *
  7. Oral report is presented professionally.
  8. Oral report is presented within the appropriate time limit (8 minutes minimum; 10 minutes maximum). *

NOTE: Please do not put the paper in a folder or binder. Print a copy of this form and staple it to the top of your paper.


48-50 points -- Exceptionally well written review. Ready for submission. Meets all the above criteria.
44-47 points -- Very good insights. Fulfilled the assignment, but lacking in a few of the above areas.
40-43 points -- Good ideas, but need more attention. Deficient in several of the above areas.
 0-39 points -- Less than satisfactory. Deficient in most of the above areas.

Self-Evaluation Comments: