Adnan Abed
Ling. 557
Professor: Neil Anderson

Listening Lesson Plan

Listening for Main Points

Class: 9th Grade
Duration: 40 minutes

Learning Objectives

  • Students should be able to fill in the table about the children after listening to the stories.

    Materials and equipment:

    A tape recorder and cassette.

    Warming up (5 minutes)

    Teacher tells the students a short story about a courageous boy. Then he asks them: How old was the boy when the story happened? Who was saved? Where?


    (5 minutes)
    The teacher asks the students to look at exercise number one and tells the class that they are going to hear four more stories about courageous young people. They will hear the stories twice, then they will fill in the table in their book about the children.

    No.NameAgeWho was saved?Where


    (15 minutes)
    Teacher plays the cassette and pauses briefly at the end of each sentence in each story for students to write. Teacher makes sure that students understand how to do the activity. He can answer the first part of the first story.
    Teacher plays the cassette again, with pauses.


    (10 minutes)
    Teacher checks the students' answers orally. Teacher also can ask other questions to check the students' general understanding of the main points. (e.g. Who is the most courageous child in the stories? What did they learn in these stories?)


    (5 minutes)
    Teacher can ask the students in pairs or groups to tell a similar story that they know or read about at the end of the period. One student tells the story and the others listen to him.
    Teacher can ask the students to prepare a similar story for the next class. Students can listen to a story from other people or read about it in a library, or listen to a story on television or radio transmission and write down similar information about the story (who, what, and where).

    Listening Text

    Listen to four more stories of courage and fill in the table about the children.

    Mona was driving home with her father when they had a terrible accident. Mona was thrown out of the car, but her father was trapped inside. Both of Mona's father's legs were broken and he was in great pain. Mona called an ambulance, and stayed and talked to her father until the ambulance came. Mona was only eight years old when this happened.

    Sami was eleven years old when he rescued a woman who couldn't swim. The woman was walking across the ice on a lake in Canada when the ice broke and she fell into the freezing water. A man on the shore off the lake was too heavy to walk on the ice, so Sami crawled out to the woman with a rope. The woman grabbed hold of the rope and the man on the shore pulled her to safety.

    One night, nine years old, Ali was sleeping when the house caught fire. Ali and his baby brother and little sister were trapped in upstairs room. Ali's father got out of the house and stood under the bedroom window. Ali picked up his little sister and carefully dropped her into his father's arms. Then he did the same with his baby brother. Finally he jumped to safety himself.

    Dina, aged eleven was visiting a zoo when a little boy did something very stupid. The boy was standing in front of the gorillas cage eating a piece of cake. One of the gorillas put its arm out of the cage and the boy gave it the cake. But the gorilla grabbed the boy's hand instead, and began to pull him into the cage. Dina was carrying a bag and she hit the gorilla on the head and it let go of the boy.