Teaching Safety Principles

Lois A. Ritchie


An accident occurred at the school a few days ago. A child was hit by a car and badly injured. The crossing guard had yelled for the boy, saying "wait, go to the crosswalk." But the boy did not understand the instruction. When asked why he ran out into the street after the crossing guard had yelled at him, the little boy said, "I saw the man waving at me, but he didnŐt tell me to STOP, so I went into the street."

Note:*This lesson is part of an on-going (perhaps day-long, or week-long) emphasis on safety. An elementary teacher is with her/his class all day long. The issue of the accident can be addressed in several ways, ie: (1) in science class we could discuss bones and what happens when they are broken; (2) in art class, we might use the time to design and create personal cards for the children to send to the injured boy.

The purpose of this lesson is to improve the students' listening comprehension and to help them to understand safety instructions.


Beginners/ Elementary-age children (Grades 2 and 3)
The issue of safety could be adapted to a beginner class of various ages.


  1. Students will recognize and be able to explain words used in various commands.
  2. Students will listen and respond to behavioral commands.
  3. Students will demonstrate their understanding by participating in the activity.
  4. Students will demonstrate their understanding of traffic safety rules and crossing signs and signals.
  5. Students will be able to identify safe crossing locations.
  6. 6. Students will be able to identify and use the safety vocabulary words.


  1. Crossing guard vest
  2. Stop sign carried by crossing guards
  3. Pictures of a stop light...showing red, yellow, and green
  4. Pictures of crossing light....showing the Walk and Don't Walk symbols.


  1. A list of commands for the teacher
  2. A CD player or a cassette recorder for background music.
  3. A cassette or CD of marching music.
  4. Clear the activity area of tables and chairs. (Move them to the side of the room, leaving the center area clear for the activity.)


  1. A map of all the streets surrounding the school for 6 blocks in all directions. (NOTE: All of the children in your class actually live in this 36-block geographical area.)
  2. Color crayons or markers for each child.


    Greet the class. Ask students, "Who remembers what happened last Thursday to Juan Gomez?" Fill in the details that the students fail to bring up. Tell them that you have spoken with Juan's mother this morning and that she wants all of you to know that Juan is going to be ok. His leg is broken and his arm has several cuts that required the doctors to put in stitches. Tell them that Juan's doctor said that Juan should be able to come back to school in another two to three weeks.


    Display copies of crossing signs. Display a bright orange vest that the crossing guards wear....put it on. Explain the duty of a crossing guard. Tell the students that today's class will be about safety. Stress the need for safety for the person who is walking.


    Define the words rule and law Ask the class to explain the need for rules. Discuss why rules are important. Discuss why following instructions is very important.Introduce "safety" vocabulary words. e.g.: