Reading Lesson Plan

Guessing Word Meaning From Context Using Magazine Articles


65 minutes
high-intermediate level


Students will demonstrate comprehension of a magazine article.
Students will guess at the meaning of words using context


(15 min)
Students will read for 15 minutes at the beginning of each class. (They read any English text of their choice. It can be he newspaper or a comic book. The purpose is for them to practice reading and enjoy what they’re reading.)



(5 min.)
Ask students what they read about in their SSR today. Was there something of particular interest? Did they learn anything new? (The students are used to this discussion session after SSR. Therefore, they are prepared to share one comment about their reading. The purpose is ensure that students get something out of their reading--that it's not just a mindless task. To make sure that the discussion doesn't destroy the pleasure-reading aspect of SSR, students' comments are not required to be formal or profound or anything like that. They simply need to share one comment.)


(1 min.)
Have students take out the article they read the previous night. Tell them that we will be going over the article today. Ask for comments regarding the article's subject. If necessary, tell students that we will be checking for overall comprehension and vocabulary.


Activity 1 (25 min.)
Hand out comprehension questions (or have them written on the board or on an overhead projector). Give students 5-10 minutes to answer the question on their own.
Have students get into pairs and compare answers.
Discuss each question in class. At the same time, discuss the articles points. (At this point, the teacher is not using a list of preformed questions. The class is just having a discussion about the points of the article.)

Activity 2 (12 min.)
Ask students to write down each of the vocabulary words (underlined by teacher) in the text. Have them write down what they think is the meaning of each word.
Discuss as a class the meaning of each word and how we might reach that conclusion. What elements of the context led us to make those assumptions?


(7 min.)
Have students write 2 sentences, each one using a vocabulary item. Then share them in class.


This occurs in class as we answer questions. A formal quiz at the end of the week or the end of the unit will facilitate grading.


Students are assigned to write a 1-paragraph summary of the article. They should include a main-idea sentence and 3-4 sentences of supporting details.

Comprehension Questions for "Danger Beneath the Dash"
  1. T / F Listening to a radio is more distracting than talking on a car phone.
  2. T / F Cell phones are never good to have in the car.
  3. T / F The biggest problem with car phones is the mechanical distractions.
  4. T / F Future cars will have computers with Internet access.
  5. One American in------------uses a cell phone.
  6. If you are driving a car and talking on a cell phone, you are---------times as likely to have an accident as those not on the phone.
  7. What is the overall message of the article?

