LING 600
Thesis Research Design and Timeline Grading Criteria
Evaluation Criteria
- Includes a self-reflection for this assignment.
- Provides an adequate introduction to Chapter 3.
- Provides adequate background information on the subjects used to gather data.
- Provides adequate information about the instruments used to gather data.
- Provides adequate information on the procedures used to gather data.
- Provides adequate information on the research design and data analysis procedures
- Is neatly typed (including page numbers. NOTE: BYU thesis requirement with APA format requires that odd page numbers appear in the upper-right corner of the page and even page numbers appear in the upper-left corner of the page)*
- Edited carefully for grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors.*
- Follows APA format throughout the paper (headings, citations, references, etc.).*
- Includes a revised timeline beginning from December 8, 1999 through your planned graduation
* No paper with problems in these areas will receive a grade higher than an B+.
NOTE: Please do not put the paper in a folder or binder. Staple this grading sheet to the top of your paper.
93-100 points. Exceptionally well written paper. Very good review of the literature. Strong organization of material. Meets all the above criteria.
82-92 points. Very good paper. Perhaps weak in the review of literature or study design or lacking in organization. Lacking in a few of the above areas.
72-81 points. Adequately prepared paper. Needs more development in the ideas. Deficient in several of the above areas.
0-71 points. Less than satisfactory paper. Deficient in most of the above areas.