Developing Writing Fluency Through Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication

Drawing from sociocultural theory, this research investigated the effects of synchronous computer-mediated communication (SCMC) in the development of writing fluency. Likewise, the study aimed at confirming previously cited affective benefits linked to SCMC. Measuring fluency in words per 30 minutes, the study compared pre and post-test essay scores of two groups of ESL learners (a control group and a SCMC group) in two intermediate levels. Two evaluation questionnaires were also administered to the SCMC group in order to obtain students’ opinions of this technology-based medium, and to analyze change in their perceptions. The SCMC group outperformed the control group in fluency scores, although the difference was not statistically significant. Furthermore, the qualitative analysis found positive results in terms of linguistic and affective benefits derived from this innovative use of computer.

Thesis Author: Camacho, Rossana

Year Completed: 2008

Committee Members: Wendy Baker, Norman Evans

Thesis Chair: C. Ray Graham

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