Reading Fluency : The Effects of the Assisted Repeated Reading Training on ESL Learners’ Reading Rate and Comprehension of Unpracticed Texts

Reading fluency has been a hot topic for many researchers in English as a first language and has been relatively neglected in English as a second language. Scant research has been done on reading rate and comprehension of ESL learners in particular. This study builds on previous research in both L1 and L2 reading and examines the reading rate and comprehension of ESL learners by applying the assisted repeated reading method.This study investigated the relationship between students’ actual reading rate and comprehension and the reading program objectives established at their school. Four questions were addressed: (1) Does the assisted repeated reading method help English as a Second Language (ESL) learners increase their silent reading rate when reading new unpracticed passages? (2) Does the assisted repeated reading method help English as a Second Language learners (ESL) increase their reading comprehension when reading new unpracticed passages? (3) Does the assisted repeated reading method help students at levels 2, 3, and 4 meet the reading rate and comprehension objectives of the reading curriculum at the English Language Center? (4) What do students and teachers feel about incorporating the assisted repeated reading in the classroom?Statistical analysis of the findings indicate that the assisted repeated reading method significantly helps ESL students increase their reading rate. However, the assisted repeated reading method failed to help ESL students increase their comprehension scores. The study has shown that students do not meet rate and comprehension objectives unless they go through intensive practice of rapid reading drills such as the assisted repeated reading method for more than one semester. Finally, the study unveiled the feelings of the students and teachers about the assisted repeated reading method. While students and teachers at levels 2, and 3 felt that the method is beneficial, students and teachers at level 4 felt that it was not.This study emphasized the value of explicit reading fluency instruction over an extended period of time. Intensive English programs should carefully evaluate how fluency instruction is integrated into reading curricula.

Thesis Author: Alsiekh, Falah

Year Completed: 2009

Committee Members: Dee Gardner, William Eggington

Thesis Chair: Neil Anderson