A Formal Semantic Analysis of Autistic Language: The Quantification Hypothesis

Autism is characterized by language dysfunction ranging from mild and peculiar language usage to a total lack of expressive language function. These language oddities are manifest in the form of phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic/behavioral dysfunction. Research suggests that the autistic language deficit is focal—dealing with a specific area of language processing; however, previous research has failed to identify this language enigma. This thesis demonstrates a novel approach to the problem, showing that the autistic language deficit is tied to a particular aspect of language processing—quantification. Quantification is defined and explained in the context of autistic language and behavior.

Thesis Author: Manookin, Michael B.

Year Completed: 2004

Committee Members: Erin D. Bigler, Wendy Baker

Thesis Chair: Alan D. Manning

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