A Comparative Evaluation of Two Approaches to the Learning of Japanese Generative Algorithms

It is the purpose of this study to test the hypothesis that mnemonic devices increase the ability to learn foreign languages in an actual language learning situation. A sample of twenty volunteers without prior acquaintance with the Japanese language were divided into two test groups. Group I studied Japanese by merely reading the text Japanese Mnemonic Grammar, by D. H. Groberg. Group II studied the same material covered in the text but without any structural mnemonics. The latter were taught in the classroom mainly through an eclectic method combining elements of both cognitive and rote study. Comparative charts illustrating the relative performance of the two groups are provided. These demonstrate that Group I had greater spontaneity and enhanced ability in the use of grammar than Group II. There was no conspicuous difference between the two groups in pronunciation and fluency. It is a basic conclusion of this study that mnemonic devices have positive effects in the learning of grammar by both high and low aptitude students.

Thesis Author: Watabe, Masakazu

Year Completed: 1973

Thesis Chair: Robert Blair