ESL Students Comprehension of Common American Gestures

Much miscommunication occurs because nonverbal behavior constitutes the major part of message- giving. This study was performed to assess ESL students’ comprehension of common American gestures. A video of 12 gestures was shown to 61 adult Mexican and Japanese ESL students at the Brigham Young University English Language Center who filled out a questionnaire and wrote their interpretations of the gestures. Statistical analysis revealed that the factors of age, amount of contact with Americans, nationality, gender, and ESL level did not significantly affect overall student interpretation of the gestures except for some influence by. nationality with the Mexicans scoring higher than the Japanese. Analysis showed some significant influence by nationality, gender, and level on interpretation of some individual gestures. Small sample size and uneven distribution among levels precluded overall significant results, however, the fact that all gestures were not interpreted correctly suggests a need to teach gestures. Some teaching ideas are included.

Thesis Author: Montoya, Loree Miller

Year Completed: 1996

Committee Members: Mark Tanner, Mary Lee Scott

Thesis Chair: Cheryl Brown