Utilizing Human-Computer Interactions to Improve Text Annotation

The need for annotated corpora in a variety of different types of research grows constantly. Unfortunately creating annotated corpora is frequently cost-prohibitive due the number of person-hours required to create the corpus. This project investigates one solution that helps to reduce the cost of creating annotated corpora through the use of a new user interface which includes a specially built framework and component for annotating part-of-speech information and the implementation of a dictionary.This project reports on a user study performed to determine the effect of dictionaries with different levels of coverage on a part-of-speech annotation task. Based on a pilot study with thirty-three participants the analysis shows that a part-of-speech tag dictionary with greater than or equal to 60% coverage helps to improve the time required to complete the part-of-speech annotation task while maintaining high levels of accuracy.

Thesis Author: Carmen, Marc

Year Completed: 2010

Committee Members: Deryle Lonsdale, Eric Rinnger

Thesis Chair: Alan Melby

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