Course ObjectivesHelp students...
Class Format: Class time will include large group discussions, linguistic analysis, small group work sessions, practice quizzes, gospel connections, and three videos on the topics of language, mind, and world. We will work to establish a real world context for linguistic skills in order to see the patterns of whole language. We will explore the interface between life and language principles. Attendance and punctuality are required so that you can contribute your special insights and intelligence to class activities. Please let me know in person, by note, or by phone if you have a real emergency or an official excuse. Unexcused absences, chronic tardies, or early departures will lower your grade by one percentage point each. Excessive absences may result in automatic failure in the class. Do not miss the last day of class. Do not miss class on the day that projects are due. Holiday flight plans must be scheduled in accordance with university exam dates.