Course Requirements and Grading Scheme
Homework Cards |
35% |
Definitions Exam I |
25% |
Definitions Exam II |
25% |
Creative Project and Final Presentation |
15% |
Total |
100% (88 hours of work) |
Criteria for Creative Projects
We will divide the class into approximately 14 groups of 3 people. Each member of the class will work in a group of three people. Each group member will be responsible for researching one of the following questions:
What is language?
What is mind?
What is world?
Then your group will work together to create an original artifact that expresses the relationship between the concepts of language, mind, and world.
- You or your group may schedule an appointment with me for a conference in 2140 JKHB to discuss the project.
- The group projects will be presented to the class in 1108 JKHB during the final exam period scheduled for your section. Each group will have eight to ten minutes to present. You will work together, but I will evaluate your contribution to the project individually. In addition to presenting the project as a group, you will submit a one or two page explanation of your contribution to the project. I will use five grading criteria; each area will be worth three points for a total of fifteen points:
Content: substance, detail, support, focus.
Organization:cohesion, connections, completeness.
Expression: clarity, neatness, format.
Creativity: original thinking, shared experience, interesting to you and others.
Time: present, punctual, 8-10 minute presentation per group.
- The topic of the project is the title of our course: "Language, Mind, and World." Explore the relationships and connections between those topics in a medium of your choice: arts, audio-visual, computer program, crafts, debate, dance, drawing, humor, musical composition, painting, photography, poetry, research, sculpture, sewing, short film, weaving, woodwork, writing, theater, video, or other. You may incorporate experiences from your life and education as well as aspects of the discipline of linguistics. However, the project must be tailored for this class and must not be used to fulfill the requirement for another course.
- The purpose of the project is to allow you to research and create in an area of interest related to linguistics. The project assumes twenty hours of work, including brainstorming, researching, inventing, organizing, preparing, polishing, and so forth.